Итоговый тест по английскому языку для студентов первого курса

Материал опубликован 14 February 2017

Итоговый тест по английскому языку

Для студентов 1 курса

Marks:( )/55

I ЛЕКСИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕСТЫ. Testing Vocabulary. (Marks: 18)
Choose the correct item. Выберите нужное слово.

1. Each year thousands of young people …………. from British universities.
a. grade b. graduate c. graduation

2.Most …………. institutions in France are financed by the state.
a. educate b. education c. educational

3.Students who are ……………… talented in certain fields can follow an individual curriculum.
a. exception b. exceptional c. exceptionally

4.I love English literature. I’ve read ………...every classic English novel that exists.
a. practical b. practically

5.His assistant always ……………..her on her promotional tours.
a. companies b. accompanies

6.Young people often …………….on their parents financially.
a. depend b. dependent

Marks:( )/6
Match English and Russian proverbs. Найдите русские эквиваленты английским пословицам.

7.Half a loaf is better than no bread.
8.A man is known by company he keeps.
9.Hunger breaks stone walls.
10.First think – then speak.
11.Practice makes perfect.

)Скажи, кто твой друг и я скажу, кто ты.
b)Слово – не воробей, вылетит – не поймаешь.
c)Повторение – мать учения.
d)Лучше мало, чем совсем ничего
e)Голод не тетка

Marks:( )/5

Read the text. В предложениях заполните пропуски словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.

The Russian writer Anton Chekhov, who was born in 1860 and died in 1904, has made an enormous (12. contribute)…………….. to modern literature. His success was a remarkable (13. achieve)…………, and came despite the fact that Chekhov’s family lived in severe poverty for much of his (14. child)………… . Chekhov’s works have had a great influence on 20th century literature in many ways, particularly in terms of (15. emotion) ……….. expression, plot and narrative structures, and character (16. develop)……….. . Even today, more than a hundred years after his (17.dead)………... , Chekhov’s stories are extremely popular all over the world and major new (18. produce)………….. of his plays are frequently mounted, to great success.

Marks: ( )/7


II ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕСТЫ. Testing grammar. (Marks: 26)
Choose the article: a/an/the. Выберите артикль: a/an/the.
19)………….. Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on 20)................. Earth.
Can you give me 21)................book over there?
We celebrate New Year on 22)...............31st of December.
What do you usually have for 23)………….. lunch?
We hired 24)……………….taxi, but 25)……………………. taxi didn’t come.
Their parents live in 26)……………………. village not far from Volgograd.

Marks:( )/8

Fill in the plural. Запишите множественное число данных существительных.
27. a toy – ………………………….
a baby – ……………………….
a bus – …………………………
a watch – ……………………..
31. a piano – ……………………..
32. a knife – ……………………..
33. a tomato – …………………..
34. a video – ………………………
35. a roof – ………………………..
36. a mouse– …………………………

Marks:( )/10

Use the proper tense. Поставьте глаголы в нужную временную форму.
37. Who (want) to take part in our concert?
a. does want b. want c. wants

38. Linda has lost her passport again. It is the second time this (to happen).
a. has happend b. happened c.happens

39. If I (hear) any news, I (phone) you.
a. will hear / will phone b. will hear / phone c. hear / will phone

40. When my son (wait) for my call, somebody knocked at the door.
a. waited b. was waiting

41. We were late. The meeting (start) an hour before.
a. started b. had started

42. We can go out now. It (not/rain) any more.
a. not raining b. isn’t raining c. hasn’t raining

43. The bank told me last week there was no money in my account. I(spend) it all.
a. I’d spent b. I spent c. I was spending

44. This isn’t my first visit to London. ………..here before.
a. I’m b. I’ve been c. I was

Marks:( )/8

III РАБОТА С ТЕКСТОМ. Use of English. (Marks: 7 )
Eight sentences from this article have been removed. Choose from the sentences A-I the one which fits each gap (45-51). There is one extra sentence which you do not need. There is one example at the beginning.

8 предложений пропущены в тексте. Каждой цифре соответствует буква от А – I. Одно предложение лишнее. Подставьте слова в пропуски. (Первое предложение представлено в качестве примера)

The change in our daughter Jo was so gradual we didn’t really take it too seriously to begin with’, admits Wendy,43.‘Being on a diet seemed quite normal for a teenage. 0………I……She changed from a well-built, happy athletic girl of 16 into a pale, irritable walking skeleton and the more we tried to get her to eat, the more she rebelled.’

No one was allowed near her with when she was eating. 45………… . She also insisted on cooking for the rest of us. But we eventually gave up trying to get her to accept food from us. 46……………… . She always seemed to be on the go-cooking, clearing the table – often before the rest of us had even finished – and washing – up. For a long time she refused to even believe she had a problem. 47…………………………

Eventually she was so weak I got her admitted into hospital with the doctor’s help. My husband and I had to literally drag her screaming into the car. 48……………………. Jo was gripped with fear and panic and I felt so guilty. But we were desperate. .We thought that in hospital she might discover that she actually didn’t want to break free of her condition.’

49……………………….. The doctor told us that the best thing we could do was to leave.t this point Jo started to sob uncontrollably. ”Don’t leave me, Mummy”, she begged. “Please don’t leave me”. ’

50…………………………They got her strength up by feeding her and then arranged for her to see the hospital psychiatrist, who recommended her for special help.’

Jo’s recovery has been slow. Living with her is like living on a knife edge where the slightest word can trigger sobbing and screaming ad wild accusations. At first I just felt this terrible guilt. 51…………….. I don’t think Jo will ever be free from her anorexia but she is learning to keep it under control.’

That dreadful moment will stay in my mind for ever.

Turning my back on her cries and leaving her there was the hardest thing I’d ever had to do.

But afterwards I felt this terrible frustration at not being able to help her.

Teenagers, in my opinion, usually have huge appetites.

When we got there she’d calmed down into an angry silence.

Any attempt was met with screaming and hysterical fits.

She’d shut herself in the kitchen and then sneak up to her bedroom which always remained locked, and strictly out of bounds.

During this time all we could do was watch while our daughter slowly starved herself to death.

But her slimming got out of control.

Marks:( )/7

IV СТРАНОВЕДЕНИЕ. Do you know customs and tradition? (Marks: 5)
Find the right answer. Найдите правильный ответ.
52. British Prime Minister lives in ……………………. .
a. White hall b. Houses of Parliament c. 10 Downing Street

53. Daffodil is the emblem of ……………………. .
a. England b. Ireland c. Wales

54. What is the emblem of Scotland?
a. red rose b. shamrock c. thistle

55. The capital of Scotland is ……………………. .
a. Belfast b. Edinburgh c. Cardiff

56. What is the official residence of the US president?
a. the Capitol b. the Westminster Palace c. 10 Downing street
d. the White House

Marks:( )/5





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